Friday, March 21, 2014


The Quantum League #1: Spell Robbers

Ben can use his mind and imagination to create fire balls and miniature storm clouds that actually produce rain. When his teacher is kidnapped, along with a dangerous piece of equipment she's invented, The Quantum League rescues Ben and invites him to join. Things aren't what they seem with the League - or with Ben himself. But no matter who he decides to trust, Ben is in for a wild ride.

The cover shows three kids but the story is really about Ben - Ben and his powers, Ben and his family, Ben and the League. And Ben is on a fascinating journey. Everything ties together but leaves the reader wanting more. And that is good because this is the first book in a series. I don't really understand the "Spell Robbers" title. This is really a super hero/super powers story (and it might just get kids interested in learning more about quantum physics). It reminded me of the book, The Hypnotists, but my students focused on the fact that Ben looks like Percy Jackson. As I closed the book and started telling my husband about it, my son quietly slipped the book from my lap and started reading. He was three chapters in before I realized what he had done. It obviously captured his attention and imagination like it did mine.

4.5 out of 5 stars
This does not have an AR reading level yet.

1 comment:

  1. Just a heads up, it does have an AR level now:
    AR Level: 4.1
    AR Points: 8.0
    AR Test: 164361
