Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WEDNESDAY: How Harry Cast His Spell

This is the latest incarnation of the book that started it all for me - Looking for God in Harry Potter. Now it has a new name, a new cover and references the entire series.

This is a fairly intense book. It talks about literature, alchemy, symbolism and Christianity. I found it fascinating and I was very happy to see that he lists reading recommendations if you want to find out more. The author has an active blog that I plan to check out at length once school starts and our family schedule slows back down. He also has some other Harry books that I plan to read.

If you are a Christian who has read the Harry Potter books but you wonder about your brothers and sisters in Christ who think they are satanic, this book might be helpful for you. If you haven't read them and are concerned that they are "evil" in some way, I encourage you to read this book. There are some "spoilers" as you move through the book, so, if you haven't read them, stick with the early chapters (like the Introduction and chapter 1) that address the controversy.

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