Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Waiting on WEDNESDAY

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard of the death of one of the Chapman's beloved adopted daughters. My husband and I had the day off to celebrate our anniversary, but I couldn't get this family out of my mind. I constantly sought information on what had happened and how they were holding up. I have followed their family online a little more closely than I did before the accident, just to get a glimpse of how they were doing and to be reminded how much their family needed prayer.

Now, Mary Beth has chosen to share a little of her story and I can't wait to read it. I know from her Facebook posts that the book and the public speaking are a bit of a stretch outside her comfort zone, but I am hopeful that it will be part of their healing journey and it will be a comfort and encouragement to others.

I'm just waiting for my copy of the library - I'm sure I will dive in as soon as I have it in hand.

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