Friday, November 4, 2011

BOOK FAIR: The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester by Barbara O'Connor

Owen is trying to make the best of things. He and his family are living with his grandfather (and the grouchy nurse taking care of him). The neighbor girl is an annoying know-it-all. He's captured the best toad ever, but Tooley doesn't seem to be doing very well. Even his search for the thing he heard fall off a train in the night isn't going well. His best friends, frustrated because they aren't finding anything, leave Owen on his own. 

Just when it seems like nothing will ever go his way, Owen finds it. He finds the thing that fell off the train. And it's a doozy!

I don't want to ruin the fun by saying what Owen finds, but the story really kicks off from there. While this was a good story, it wasn't my style of story, so I had trouble really getting into it. I think my students will enjoy it, though, because they will want to find out what Owen discovers and what happens next. The ending was very satisfying.

3 out of 5 stars
AR level of 4.7

Recommended for: readers 9 to 14, may appeal to boys more than some girls

Cautions: none

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