Friday, April 29, 2011

FRIDAY: Too Pretty to Die

Andy Kendricks, the "debutante dropout," would prefer to keep her distance from botox-and-plastic-surgery "Pretty Parties." But she goes as a favor to a society-reporter friend. This puts her in a perfect place to help Miranda DuBois who's having a really bad night. Miranda blames the botox-wielding Dr. Madhari for the disfigurement that costs her her job and connections - and she plans to even the score with a gun.

Miranda's shot goes awry and Andy whisks her back to her house before she can cause any more trouble. Andy leaves her sleeping on the couch and goes home. The next day, Miranda is dead. The police think it is suicide, but Andy isn't so sure. With the help of her boyfriend, her mother, the society reporter and a flirty private investigator, Andy will keep digging until she finds out what really happened to Miranda.

Good mystery. I didn't see the solution coming at all, which is something I like in a mystery. I would have liked more dialogue in parts. Some sections felt like a lot of musing on Andy's part. I also would have liked the feisty Andy to tell off the society reporter "friend." She annoyed me and didn't feel like the sort of person Andy would have considered a friend. This book was a labor of love for the author who underwent significant personal trials during the writing. I believe this might be the final book in this particular series. If you like cozy mysteries, you should check out the whole Debutant Dropout series. [The author has written several other books since this one, some for young adults. I haven't gotten to check any of those out. If you have, I'd love to hear about them.]

3 out of 5 stars

Recommended for: cozy mystery fans

Cautions: some language and adult situations..

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