Friday, March 11, 2011

FRIDAY: The Candymakers

[Yes, I know it is Friday and I should be posting a book for grown ups. But this book was so fantastic, I just couldn't wait to post it.]

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Four children gather at the Life is Sweet candy factory to prepare for the Annual New Candy Contest. They will spend two days together, learning about candy making and developing their own candy for the contest. Each one has a story - a "secret" - a "battle." But if they can learn to trust each other, they can make something amazing happen.


Outstanding! Fantastic! In a lesson for my writing students about good story beginnings, I read the first paragraph or two of eight different children's books. This is the book that 21 out of my 22 students in one class said I should read first. They couldn't have chosen better. Great twists and turns. Amazing connections between the kids that come out little by little. The author starts with Logan's story and then layers each of the others over that before putting everything together to wrap up the overall story arc.  I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed this book. I raved about it to both of my groups of students. I returned the library's copy as soon as I finished with it and ran out to buy my own copy. Now I can read it again, read it to my son, and share it with more students in the years to come.

5 out of 5 stars

Recommended for: children 8 and up, writing teachers, classroom teachers, summer reading for families

Cautions: none

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