Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WEDNESDAY: A Skeleton in God's Closet

This is an old favorite that rocked my world when I first read it. A Bible scholar discovers a skeleton on an archeological dig that could be the remains of Christ. As he investigates the clues provided by the skeleton, the faith community is shaken to its core.

I was reading this book over a weekend, so when I walked into church Sunday morning, I started to think how I would feel in church if the book was true. Imagine! If Christ's remains were found, the resurrection would be a fallacy. The hope of Easter would be empty and meaningless. I read the book with fingers and toes crossed that the scholar would find the evidence to disprove the remains and restore hope to the faithful. This was a great adventure to read. There is a sequel called More than a Skeleton that deals with the possible return of Christ.

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