Tuesday, July 7, 2009

TUESDAY: The Quantum Prophecy series

Ten years ago, superheros were active in the world, rescuing people and fighting supervillains. But something happened that caused all the superheros to lose their powers. Then went into hiding, resuming life as their alter egos. But now, two 13-year old boys are starting to show signs of their own super powers... and someone is tracking them down.

I have really enjoyed reading this series! Amazon says it is for kids between the ages of 9 and 12. I don't know that I would go much younger than 10, though because of the dangerous situations these teenagers find themselves in. In my copy of the second book (from the library), someone had blacked out many words throughout the book. I don't know if those were swear words or not. I did not notice swearing in the first or third books.

The author's website gives some more background to the story as well as talking about what is next for the series (Book 3 does not completely wrap things up!).

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