Thursday, October 27, 2011

BOOK FAIR: The Fast and the Furriest by Andy Behrens

Kevin Pugh is not the sportiest kids ever. In fact, it's hard to know who lays around more - Kevin, or his dog, Cromwell. While Kevin's dad, a former NFL football player, pushes Kevin towards sports, specifically football, Cromwell develops an interest in "dog agility" competitions. If Kevin can get out of football, maybe he and Cromwell could compete. It would sure make Cromwell happy. Kevin's dad? Well, that would be another story.

This is my first year serving as an elementary school librarian, and this week is our annual Scholastic Book Fair. My consultant this year told me I could order a "preview pack" of the books that would be part of our book fair. Kevin's story was part of that preview pack.

I fell in love with Kevin and Cromwell. I had tried to get my son to buy this book at the bookstore this summer, but he wasn't interested. I read a passage to all of my older elementary students and many of them have told me they want to buy the book at our Fair this year.

The story is funny, which is a great draw for kids. It is also honest it its description of Kevin and his feelings about sports, Cromwell, and his family. I like stories with a happy ending, too, and The Fast and the Furriest didn't disappoint.

4 out of 5 stars
AR level of 4.6

Recommended for: kids ages 8 and up, fans of pet or animal stories

Cautions: none

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