Friday, October 7, 2011

FRIDAY: Eureka: Brain Box Blues by Cris Ramsay

The Brain Box is a device that can record the final memories from a corpse. In the best of circumstances, this technology could help catch murderers. But in the wrong hands, it can become something twisted, invasive and dangerous. But for the cause of "national security," at least according to General Mansfield, the folks at Global Dynamics are asked to use the Brain Box to harvest the memories of a dead man. As they start digging into the man's memories, Carter starts to see that there is a lot more to this situation than anyone is willing to talk about. 

Lots of twists and hidden agendas in this story. I did figure out some of the mysteries before the characters did, but I had to keep reading to find out how they were going to fix things in the end. The book references the story-catchers episode of the TV series, so it is helpful if readers are familiar with that story. I enjoyed the story, although not as much as the first one.

3.5 out of 5 stars

Recommended for: fans of the series, science-fiction fans with experience watching the show, especially the story-catchers episode.

Cautions: some language

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